POSTURE: Integrating psychology and virtual reality to enable dynamic posture recognition and delivery

ANR-PRC (ANR-22-CE38-0010-01)

The ability to communicate efficiently relies on the ability to understand others’ mental states. Different cues can be used to decode these mental states. Whereas emotional facial expressions (EFEs), mainly the basic ones (e.g., sadness, joy…), have been extensively explored as cues, the role of dynamic postures has yet to be better investigated. The term dynamic postures refers to how the positions and movements of the whole body (including the head and hands, but excluding EFEs) are used to deliver nonverbal information.

The main objective of this project is to determine the respective roles of dynamic postures and EFEs in nonverbal communication, focusing on both basic and more socially complex mental states (e.g., pride, power…), much less probed in the literature. More specifically, we want to determine whether dynamic postures simply serve to reinforce EFEs, or supply specific additional information, and whether these cues are processed similarly by all genders. By combining our expertise in motion capture, computation (LICIIS, URCA), restitution (ICUBE UNISTRA) and experimental psychology (C2S), we plan to answer this research question and provide an open access database of dynamic postures, with or without emotional facial expressions, that can be implemented in virtual reality on expressive avatars.

Key points


body Capture

Body, face and hand motion capture for a psychological study on non-verbal communication and recognition of emotional states.


Dynamic Posture

Mouvement of the body in reaction to emotional state


Avatar 2.0

Semantically enriched avatar with emotional postures


Body language

Recognition and restitution


Stéphanie Caillies

Scientific coordinator

Professor at URCA since 2014, she has led the “Cognition, Santé, Société” (C2S) laboratory (EA 6291), which specializes in social cognition. She has been involved in many projects, including the 2012 ELISE ANR project. She has co-authored 29 peerreviewed papers, one book and six book chapters. She has supervised 6 PhD students, two of whom are now assistant professors. Her research expertise includes verbal and nonverbal communication.

C2S team of URCA

Pr Stéphanie Caillies

Professor of cognitive psychology, URCA Director of the C2S laboratory, URCA.

Dr Nicolas Stefaniak

Assistant Professor in psychology, URCA. Member of C2S laboratory
Specialized in neuropsychology, his research themes focus on the links between memory and language. A second research axis is the understanding of emotions.

Dr Ali Oker

Assistant Professor in cognitive psychology, URCA Member of C2S laboratory.
His research focuses on the mental processes involved in social interaction. Theory of mind and facial expression recognition are the two major axes of his publications.

Dr Sylvain Caruana

Assistant Professor in psychology, URCA Member of C2S laboratory.
His research focuses on social judgment (judgment of oneself, of others), judgment processes (justification of inequalities, power relations, perceptions and decisions of justice) and motivation in educational or professional contexts.

Dr Pamela Gobin

Assistant Professor, URCA Member of C2S laboratory

Laurie Rogez

IGE, URCA Member of C2S laboratory
As a neuropsychologist by training and an IGE for the C2S laboratory, she works at the intersection of neuroscience and computer science to better understand brain function. I collaborate on experimental protocols to study cognitive functions and emotions.


Dr Stéphanie Prévost

Assistant Professor in computer science, URCA Responsible of Centre Image, URCA.
Member of LICIIS laboratory.
Her interests focus on 3D scene reconstruction, modelization, vizualisation and VR/AR.

Pr Yannick Rémion

Professor in computer science, URCA. Member of LICIIS laboratory
His interests focus on 3D scene reconstruction, dynamic animation and simulation.

Dr Hervé Deleau

IGR of Centre Image, URCA Associate member of LICIIS Laboratory
His interests focus on Remote visualization.

Karim Kather

IGE of LICIIS in computer science, URCA Member of LICIIS laboratory.

IGG team of ICUBE at University of Strasbourg

Pr Dominique Bechmann

Professor in computer science, Unistra Head of Geometric and Graphic Computing (IGG) team of the ICube Laboratory, Unistra
Head of for the 3rd year of the Bachelor's degree in science, technology and health with a major in computer science - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Dr Arash Habibi

Assistant Professor, Unistra Member of IGG team
He has been contributing to the physical modeling and simulation of fluids. His more recent works are in the field of geometric modeling (sketch-based modeling, character skinning) and virtual reality (the animation of avatars and distance perception). He has also been working as a senior VFX graphist in several animation studios (BUF Compagnie, Illumination Entertainment).

Dr Pierre Kraemer

Assistant Professor in computer science, Unistra Member of IGG team
He has been contributing for several years to the development and exploitation of generic and efficient topological models for the representation of the cellular decomposition of geometric objects (meshes). His most recent activities concern the generation of hexahedral volume meshes by exploiting the skeleton of the shapes to be meshed.

Dr Paul Viville

Post-doc in computer science, Unistra Member of IGG team


  • Jan 08, 2024: Karim join Posture's team, as IG of LICIIS. Welcome to him !
  • Feb 15, 2023: Laurie join Posture's team, as IG of C2S. Welcome to her !
  • Jan 19, 2023: Kick off meeting.
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